Klemtu to Gil Island

We were now getting into some pretty narrow channels. No danger of collision, but it was easy to see the land on both sides, and the scenery became quite impressive. And the day was turning colder too.

Waterfall into Royal Channel, between Princess Royal Island and mainland BC

I think this was the first waterfall emptying directly into the sea that we saw.

Motoring along in the Royal Channel, BC

We passed this vessel as it was passing a snow covered mountain, not that it's easy to tell given the low cloud!

One of a number of fiords along Royal Channel, BC

We were headed into there! Just headland after headland of scenic wonders.

Butedale, Princess Royal Island, BC

The little (perhaps an understatement) settlement of Butedale on Princess Royal Island. A closeup of the builing on the shore shows it to be in need of major repairs! A second look at the photos suggest this has been abandoned, or at least that part of the village visible to us as we passed.

Another waterfall along Royal Channel, BC

Another waterfall into the Royal Channel from Princess Royal Island.

Tree covered island Royal Channel, BC

A small, entirely tree covered, island just off from the shore. We saw a number of these on the journey.

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up arrow Alaskan Tour
Gil Island to secret inletright arrow